Tuesday 22 December 2015


I would like to share an article written by Terry Heick, Founder and Director at TeachThought, author, and former classroom teacher interested in how and why people learn.
Why Your Students Don’t Remember What You Teach: The Overwhelming Power Of ‘Place’ In LearningA decent question: Why don’t your students remember what you’ve taught?
A better question: Why don’t they understand what you’ve taught?

A better question still: Why don’t students understand and use what they’ve been taught to create a better world?
The answer may have something to do with a kind of cultural schema. Place. The value of ‘place’ in learning lies in its function as context: People seek to know things in order, usually, to do things, and these things are done–without exception–in a ‘place’.
What is the difference between a location and a place? One distinction is that of fullness. A location is geographic and singular; a place is artistic and whole. Location would be the address you were married, or had your first kiss. The ‘place’ would be how that place sits in your memory.
If we assume that education is, in part, about “career readiness,” then one overarching goal of learning might be for each learner to understand not just how to “get a job,” or even how to work, but rather how to work well, and how to decide what their work might be.
A person’s work, as opposed to a job, is about their ability to know what can and should be done, and to bring their experience and affection to bear on that work to do it, and do it well. Parenting, for example, isn’t a job, but a matter of work. Teaching is work, too. The underlying thought process behind the decision to be a teacher might go like this:
1. It is necessary for people to know things, and how to do things related to what they know.
2. Teaching is one important way to support this.
3. Teaching, then, is work worth doing.
4. I am going to decide how to teach, and then over the years learn to teach well.
But what it means to do something well depends on context. Who is being taught? Where have they been? Where are they going? What do they need to know as a result? How can I help them come to know this content or these skill? To further clarify the necessary specificity, the pronouns have to be singular, not plural. Not “What do they need to know?”, but rather “What does this child, in this place, need to know?” This is the foundation of personalized learning.
How Learning Changes Us 
In terms of function, learning might look like this:
1. Incrementally acquire new data
2. Synthesize that with what you already know
3. Experiment with that new mix by application
Find something, combine it with what you already know, and try to use it to see if it works the way you expected. Readjust perception, and repeat endlessly.
This is how to divide. How does that compare to multiplication? Where is this useful? How is this similar and dissimilar to what I already know? Let’s give division a try by solving these three problems.
This is the definition of literary symbolism. It is similar to a metaphor and related to an allegory; symbolism itself isn’t limited to literature, but extends to everything from flags to wedding rings to hip-hop wordplay. Let me see if I can identify the symbols in this song, and figure out how the songwriter is using them for some kind of effect. 
Of course, this is not limited to academic knowledge. The same applies to learning ethics, problem-solving, decision-making, and so on. It’s easy to see, then, how learning changes beliefs. And it’s all unique to each learner. When you learn to play the violin, or learn how special effects are used to create illusions in movies–that knowledge is internalized inevitably through your own native–and quite personal–schema. That is, you interpret ideas through the ideas you’ve already had, and each idea impacts the rest.
In terms of sequence, the process of learning might go something like this:
1. Awareness leads to thoughts.
2. Thoughts both reflect and create knowledge.
3. Knowledge lead to emotions.
4. Emotions lead to behavior.
Learning, therefore, results in both personal and social change through self-knowledge and behavioral change. That is, learning changes how you think, feel, and behave or it isn’t learning at all, but rather more of a kind of exposure that incidentally yields to illusory gains on assessment forms too crude to know what real understanding looks like. Roughly and abstractly put, that’s learning.
Personal change is process; social change is a process. Both are effects of understanding.
And it all happens in a place.

Friday 18 December 2015

One interesting word in English: Oxymoron

Oxymorons are figures of speech in which two contradictory terms are combined in order to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek for pointedly foolish (oxys = sharp/keen and moros = foolish). Oxymorons are extremely useful in written English because they can make effective titles, add dramatic effect, add flavor to speech, and can sometimes be used to achieve a comedic effect. Here is a comprehensive list of 64 examples of oxymorons in sentences. In each example, the oxymoron is underlined.

Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences
1.    This is another fine mess you have got us into.
2.    There is a real love hate relationship developing between the two of them.
3.    Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence.
4.    The comedian was seriously funny.
5.    You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in.
6.    Her singing was enough to raise the living dead.
7.    Do you have the original copies that we requested?
8.    This is a genuine imitation Rolex watch.
9.    I really would like to try that new jumbo shrimp restaurant.
10.  His new girlfriend really is pretty ugly.
11.  Sorry, I can't help you out right now, I am involved in my own minor crisis.
12.  Give me the fifty dollars you owe me or pay for dinner, it's the same difference.
13.  My trip to Bali was very much a working holiday.
14.  I let out a silent scream as the cat walked through the door carrying a dead bird.
15.  You are going to have to take the job as an online proofreader, it is your only choice.
16.  The seventies was the era of free love.
17.  I will ask the professor for his unbiased opinion.
18.  The constant variable is the one that does not change.
19.  The sermon lasted for an endless hour.
20.  We laughed and cried through the tragic comedy.
21.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.
22.  They couldn't wait to get out alone together.
23.  We'll use plastic glasses at the picnic.
24.  The student teacher explained how to complete the homework.
25.  The gossip is old news.
26.  The lady he eventually married is painfully beautiful.
27.  Wow! This ice cream is disgustingly delicious.
28.  Be careful in the playground, run slowly.
29.  Your apple pie is awfully good.
30.  small crowd gathered to watch the concert.
31.  It's an open secret that they have been having an affair for the past six months.
32.  He has a real passive aggressive personality.
33.  You were awfully lucky to escape the car crash unscathed.
34.  Stop being a big baby.
35.  I am sure I am growing smaller as I get older.
36.  She is my least favorite relation.
37.  The story was based on the concept of  a true myth.
38.  That is an example of the typically weird behavior she continually demonstrates.
39.  He has become an extremely unpopular celebrity.
40.  I'm on a heavy diet until my wedding day.
41.  I am a deeply superficial person.
42.  I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief.
43.  Good grief, we're really late.
44.  I can't make any promises but it's a definite possibility.
45.  She was terribly pleased with her Birthday present.
46.  The army returned friendly fire as the enemy approached.
47.  He installed the new wireless cable in the television room.
48.  He was forced to stand down from his position as president.
49.  There will be zero tolerance in the future.

50.  I had no choice but to do what I was told.

Thursday 3 December 2015

In which context are these two words used?

Abstemious & Abstinent

The adjective abstemious means 'sparing in consumption of food and drink, not self-indulgent'. The word comes from the Latin abstemius from ab-, abs-, 'away from' + temetum, 'alcoholic drink'. Abstinent comes from a different Latin word, abstinere, 'to abstain', from ab-, abs-, 'away from', + tenere, 'to hold'. It means 'denying one's appetites completely; doing without'.
Abstinent differs from abstemious in two respects: first, it refers to all appetites and desires, whereas abstemious tends to refer only to food and drink, or even specifically to alcoholic drink alone; secondly, abstinent suggests total self-denial, abstemious simply suggests moderation. 

The noun derived from abstemious is abstemiousness; abstinent has two related nouns-abstinence and abstention. Abstention, unlike abstinence, has no suggestion of denying the appetites: it refers simply to refraining from something-a single act of abstaining(commonly, abstaining from voting). Abstinence suggests continuous abstaining (as from drink).