Tuesday 1 April 2014

A magnetic Personality

By Ranjana S.

A magnetic Personality….attracts adulation…accolades…..acknowledgement         

A charismatic person climbs the social and success ladder with aplomb….

Personality plays a pivotal, vital role in our lives. It determines how the world perceives us. A good personality ensures that we firmly establish ourselves in our society and become indispensable individuals in the lives of our family and loved ones. There are many factors which contribute towards creating an impressive and enviable personality.

First let us know what personality is all about:

Personality is the behavior you display towards your family, friends, loved ones and to the world at large. Personality encompasses behavior, feelings and thoughts that you cultivate. If your conduct is amiable to your family, friends, coterie and the world as a whole you are considered to be a person who possesses a great personality.

How do I cultivate an exceptional charismatic personality?


This trait is a hallmark of a good personality. A person with low self esteem is confined in a shell and is unable to express his/her potential to the fullest.
You have to believe that you are the best version of yourself. You are born in this world to accomplish your own individual mission. Each one of you is unique and specially crafted by the universe. Yes, you might have your own set of weaknesses..but, always remember you are blessed with myriad strengths too…take pride in your strengths and do not be obsessed with your weaknesses. You have to pick each weakness at a time and work on it with a positive mind to convert it into a positive trait. Feel empowered at all times. You are the creator of your own life. This feeling will instill immeasurable confidence in you. Conduct your affairs with full confidence in yourself.

Good Listener:

You have heard it right. Always lend your ears to what your colleagues friends family have to say. If we listen to others’ opinions intently we learn a lot and then people will respect your views when you have to say something.

Positive Outlook:

Cultivating a positive attitude is an exercise which one has to indulge in on a daily basis. It seems to be an herculean task but is not impossible. We all are stuck many a times dealing and resolving the different vicissitudes life showers on us. During a crisis we tend to lose hope, however, if we persistently have good thoughts for ourselves and for others we see everything in the right spirit. If we are positive, we exude abundant energy and not only we but everybody around us is enveloped in that refreshing, revitalizing energy propelling to do something constructive.

Be a Learner always:

 The adage says it all…Learning never comes to an end. Normally as we grow up, we develop a mindset that now we can’t learn as we are aging. But, the fact is we should never stop learning. Irrespective of our age our minds are like sponge which can absorb any knowledge very comfortably. A person who has this insatiable quench for learning always progresses because due to the knowledge he/she possesses he/she is less likely to commit mistakes.

Indomitable ethics, values and character:

 We say it’s a bad world, people have become self centered, dishonest, characterless, and unethical. All are forging head only to amass money and are unabashedly engaged in the ostentatious display of the money earned unethically. What can we do?? To keep pace with the world we have to follow suit. If we display ethical behavior we will be a laughing stock for others. Folks!!! Always remember the world always comes a full circle…people of the country are exasperated with the corruption and unethical behavior of our politicians, government officials and other beauracats. If each one of us polish our character and display ethical behavior at all times we will be looked  in reverence by our loved ones friends and also will cast an indelible mark in our career. Such a conduct adds jewels to our personality.

Know yourself:

Each day shut yourself from the world for fifteen minutes and introspect your thoughts and feelings. In this quietude your soul will ask you questions about who you are. You should be able to answer those questions. You should know what you want from life. All great people who have carved a niche in their respective careers know themselves in and out. So know yourself well.

Be helpful:

It gives immense pleasure when you can be a help to someone. Being altruistic is a trait of all great achievers. Whenever we can help people it gives purpose to our lives and embellishes our personality. However, ensure that it should be extended in such a way that the self respect of the person receiving it is not hurt.

Accept your mistakes:

We all are humans so it is quite inevitable that we commit errors. We should readily accept them and rectify them. We all aspire to grow in life, apart from displaying perseverance, dexterity in work, and smart work, we should try our utmost to not let mistakes hamper our growth. We should be proactive enough to learn from them and forge ahead.

Respect others and value their thinking:

Great people always value and respect others’ views. We always should be aware not to let success get in the head, and disrespect others. People who love and respect others are always liked a lot.
Improve your communication skills:
The way you speak reflects your personality. Everybody likes to be with an amiable person. Be polite and gentle while communicating. As we all are aware that English is the business language globally, so make sure you are proficient in the language. Be an avid reader of books, magazines and newspapers. Attend communication classes on a regular basis to hone up your communication prowess.

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