Thursday 1 May 2014

Idioms derived from the names of animals

Look at these idioms derived from the names of animals:


1. Sheep__(a) Separate the sheep from the goats(distinguish good people from bad people):
A proficient leader should be able to separate the sheep from the goats among his employees.

(b) A wolf in sheep's clothing( a person who appears to be amiable or harmless but is actually a foe).
Beware!! Don't be taken in by her sugary sweet tongue and polished mannerisms, in fact, she is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

2. Lion: (a ) Lionize:( treat someone as a celebrity)
The fashion icon was lionized after the stupendous success of his fashion show.
(b)The lion's share:( the largest share)
When the company's shares were allotted to the members, Steve got the lion's share.

3. Horse: ( a ) Be/get on one's high horse:( act arrogantly or haughtily abhoring others): After he was selected in the soccer team, he is acting as if he is on his high horse.
(b) Eat like a horse:( eat a lot)
After a tiring day she eats her dinner like a horse.
(c) Horse sense:(basic common sense) It is sometimes wiser to depend on horse sense than on advice of colleagues.
(d) Put the cart before the horse( reverse the logical order of things) After making some wrong career choices she is now taking correct career moves . This is like putting the cart before the horse.

4. Dog: (a) Go to dogs( to be ruined) His business has gone to the dogs.
(b) Lead a dog's life( a life of dejection and misery ) She is leading a dog's life as her life is stricken with poverty and her husband is an alcoholic.
(c) Dog in the manager( someone who tries to prevent another person from doing or having something which he himself cannot use or do): He is such a dog in the manager; even though he doesn't own a car, he won't allow anyone to use his garage.
(d) A dog's dinner/ breakfast(muddle or mess): He has created a real dog's breakfast of these balance sheets.

5. Bull: Take the bull by the horns ( face a difficulty or danger boldly)
Don't be intimidated, if you want to solve your problems, take the bull by the horns

Folks!!! Stay hooked...part 2 will be shared soon.....

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