Friday 2 May 2014

Idioms related to animals...contd

Idioms ...

1. Cow: (a) Cow someone into something or cow someone into doing something (make someone do as one desires by intimidating or threatening them): The youth were cowed into total submission.
(b) Till the cows come home (for a long time): All the girls can sit and talk here till the cows come home.

2. Cat: (a) Rain cats and dogs (raining incessantly) Today it's raining cats and dogs.
(b) Let the cat out of the bag (reveal a secret by mistake):
I wanted the date of my brother's impending wedding to be a secret, but my niece let the cat out of the bag.
(c) A cat and dog existence ( a life in which partners are constantly quarrelling): Mr. and Mrs. Abraham lead a cat and dog existence.

3. Tiger: Fight like a tiger (attack someone or defend oneself fiercely): Shivaji Maharaja fought like a tiger to get what he wanted.

4. Wolf: (a) Cry wolf (say there's danger when there's none): Jennifer goes on crying wolf as if there's a crisis when there's none.
(b) Keep the wolf from the door (have enough money to avoid hunger and need):
They earn so little that it, is difficult for them to keep the wolf from the door.

5. Monkey: (a) Monkey around/about with something (play or interfere with something in a careless fashion): She is monkeying about her father's cellphone and I fear, she might damage it.
(b) Monkey round/ about (behave in a mischievous way): Stop monkeying about; nobody likes it here.

6. Rat: (a) Smell a rat (have a feeling that something is amiss and wrong somewhere: Before the police could set up a trap for the criminal, he smelt a rat and eloped from there.
(b) Rat race (a never ending, fierce competition for wealth and success): Simran got tired of the prevalent rat race in the city and, hence, retired to live in her ancestor's house in the village.

7. Mouse: Play cat and mouse or play a cat and mouse game with someone (keep someone in a state of suspense or uncertain expectation) : The workers on strike are playing cat and mouse with the management; at one moment they agree to resume work and the very next moment they fall back on their promises.

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