Tuesday 27 May 2014


By Ranjana S.

1. Crescendo:-

We should refrain using crescendo as in- It is the crescendo of his power. Here using climax would be a better option. Why? ---Crescendo should be used only when WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SOUNDS which get louder and louder up to a climax. Crescendo is a celebrated music term.

2. Alter-the "other “word:-

In Latin, the word for "other" is alter and you'll get to hear a number of impressive words using "alter."

(a) Alternate:- You skip one and choose the other, so as to speak- You prefer playing soccer on alternate Sundays.

(b)Alternative:-You have no other option.

I have no other alternative; I must complete this work on hand.

(c) Altruist: - You have discovered the treasure of true contentment. You advocate kindness, benevolence and concern yourself with the welfare of others. You choose to relegate your concerns at the backburner as of now; but miss a heartbeat if your next fellow isn't doing good. You are an altruist.

Altruists practice altruism.

(d)Alteration:- Is a change... I have altered my way of thinking from a negative mind set to a more positive one.

When you alter your plans, you make other new plans.

(e) Altercation: - a spat or a verbal dispute. When you do not conform to the ideologies expressed by other, and violently disagree you have a verbal spat. It's because you can't align your ideas and opinions with the other person and vehemently disagree. Altercation has stronger emotions than the emotions displayed during a dispute or quarrel. During an altercation the underlying emotions are more heated, angry and hot tempered. The persons involved in an altercation, do not shy away from using profanities.

(f) Alter ego: - It is your other self. Generally it refers to someone with whom you share a special bond and are very close with. You both share the same ideologies, think alike, react the same in a given situation, do the same things, possess the same hobbies, think alike and share the same temperament. It can be said that you are the mirror images of each other. Such a friend or soul friend can be termed as your alter ego.

3. Due to:- 

You'll see many explanations about "due to" in many grammar books by which we swear with. They say that "due to" should be used as an adjective.

Instead of saying--- Due to his arrogance, he was terminated from the services.
We must say--- His termination was due to his arrogance.

Here "due to" qualifies the word "termination. “ However, many good writers make no bones about using "due to" instead of "owing to" or "because of. “

If we choose to write the below mentioned sentences they are deemed to be incorrect---
The event was interrupted intermittently due to bad weather.

Due to a breakdown in negotiations, the strike ensued.

The correct sentences would be---- (grammar passionates will abide by these sentences in comparison to the above mentioned ones)

The intermittent interruption of the event was due to..................

The ensuing of the strike was due to....................

Nevertheless, some great writers feel no contentions about using "due to"instead of "owing to" or "because of" so it opens the door for us to do the same.

This topic still makes an interesting and intriguing ingredient for debates...Is there one in the offing. Folks!!! I don't intend to be at the receiving end :)

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